Monday, October 12, 2009


It's been quite a long time since I last posted. Having 2 kids really keeps me busy. Here's an update on everything...Julianna just turned 3 months today and is finally sleeping through the night!! She's starting to smile and coo a ton which is really sweet. She's an incredibly good baby. Jackson is continuing to do well in school and is 100% potty trained! He's been fully out of pull-ups for the last month, but occassionally having accidents while at school. For the last two weeks he hasn't had any accidents and is doing really well. Another big thing that happened recently was Jey turning 30!! I really can't believe that he's 30 and I don't think he can either. We celebrated his 30th in Virginia at my parents with a lot of out of town guests who drove into town to meet Julianna and help celebrate Jey moving into his 30's!! We all had a great time, although I did get sick. :( In September we took Jackson to the Georgia Aquarium and he loved it, now if only we could get some pretty weather on the weekend to take the kids to the zoo.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Jackson & Julianna


I just wanted to post some pictures of Jackson and Julianna over the last few weeks. Just when I think we are getting a good system down here at the house with both kids, one of them throws me for a loop. Eventually, I just know things will calm down and everything will be smooth sailing! Enjoy the pictures!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Julianna Kate Netzel

Date of Birth: July 12, 2009
Time: 12:43pm
Weight: 6lbs 4oz
Length: 19.25 in

Julianna is such a sweet little girl and we are so happy to have her home! Here are some pictures of her first 2 weeks!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

This 4th of July Jey and I actually went to dinner KID FREE! Jackson's grandparents watched him as we enjoyed a quiet dinner, which we really needed. After dinner we went back to their neighborhood to watch the fireworks show. The best part of the night was Jackson and Hayden being able to play together. Two peas in a pod!! As you can see in the picture they were curled into the arms of Mike because they were both scared of the noise. Very cute!
Here are some pictures. I apologize for them being blurry. It was so dark outside and I didn't know how to switch my new camera to "night" vision. Oooops!